Search engine optimization (SEO) is a core element in developing an effective website marketing strategy. According to PEW Research, "Roughly eight-in-ten Americans are online shoppers." Additionally, studies indicate "65% of Americans indicate that when they need to make purchases they typically...
Align Your Website Metrics with Your Small Business Goals
What's your real goal behind the metrics your company monitors and evaluates? Even if your first response to this is "making money," that's a valuable goal to reiterate. In today’s article, we’ll discuss how metrics may not always align with a...
4 Keys to Online Reputation Management
In an era where 94 percent say an online review has convinced them to avoid a business, reputation management online is more important than ever. Here are four areas to focus on when it comes to managing your brand's reputation on the...
FAQ: What Makes a Good Content Strategy for our Small Business?
We often hear confusion from small businesses about the best way to generate, utilize, and promote content. In the hustle and bustle of running a small business, the benefit of consistent content generation can often be overlooked. If you're trying to...
4 Search Engine Optimization Tactics to Elevate Your Website
In our blog last week, we discussed 3 key elements to improve your search rankings. Today, we dive even deeper into some search engine optimization (SEO) tactics that can elevate your small business website even more. Once you’ve created your keywords...
3 Ways to Improve Your Search Rankings for Your Small Business
A small business today can do a lot of marketing online, whether that small business exists as a brick-and-mortar store or as an ecommerce venture existing entirely online. One key element of marketing any type of business online is your company's...
Two Search Engine Evolutions for Small Businesses – Proximity and Featured Snippets
Search engines used to be relatively simple, at least in concept. If a searcher had a question or a problem needing a solution, the searcher would type the query into a search engine. Then, either through keyword matching or, more recently,...
Take the Lead with SEO Competitor Analysis
In many respects the world wide web has been a major game changer for small businesses. The web has opened up a company's door to a 24/7, world-wide audience. Customers can reach businesses anytime, anywhere with the simple touch of a...
SEO FAQ: Do Customer Reviews Affect Search Engine Rankings?
Quite simply: Yes. Customer reviews can and do affect your small business’s search engine rankings, especially for businesses that sell their service or product locally. Many users routinely perform searches on local small businesses. One of the best ways for a search...
Top 5 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Trends to Consider This Year
Successful business owners know the power of staying abreast of search engine optimization (SEO) trends. Falling behind means losing rankings and potential customers. These are five SEO trends to consider as we enter the latter half of 2017. Machine Learning...
SEO Ranking Factors: Mobile Ready and SSL Certificates
We continually try to keep our clients and readers updated on SEO ranking factors. Let’s be honest, a website is only helpful if your potential customers are actually reaching it. Below are some recent SEO topics we’ve discussed on our blog....
Does Your E-Commerce Site Suffer from Duplicate Content?
Recently, a website visitor reached out to us with a very common issue. They are a small business with an e-commerce website, and their product pages included mostly duplicate content. This is not uncommon, as many manufacturers and suppliers will provide...
7 Common Small Business’ SEO Fears Debunked
Business owners are experts in doing what they do best, which is running their own industry-specific organization. Most recognize the evolution of the internet and online marketing has expanded their customer base and streamlined many business processes. Still, it can be...
5 Practical Tips on How to Rank Well on Google
Google continues to adapt its algorithm that determines how well your site pulls up in search results. As customers increasingly rely on mobile devices, it's more important than ever to find new ways to get a top Google ranking for your...
FAQ: How does Google My Business Display My Business Listing?
As we all know, Google has become so much more than just a search engine. As the world wide web has evolved, so has Google and its ability to address the needs of so many users. One area that continues to...
SEO FAQ: What Are Considered "Bad" Backlinks?
As we discussed in a previous blog this year, backlinks are links on external sites that link back to your site. Backlinks can bring a larger number of users to your website through search engines because those links validate the quality...
SEO FAQ: What Are Backlinks?
Many of our small business clients say they hear that “backlinks” are one of the most important aspects of search engine optimization (SEO). It’s true that having the right backlinks helps your website get seen by people who are already interested...
SSL - Why is it a SEO Ranking Factor you MUST Consider? (Updated)
This post has been last updated as of October 26, 2016 to reflect new, critical information. As small business owners speak with the designers or hosts of their website, they may hear the buzzword "SSL" and wonder what it is all...
Why are Online Customer Reviews Important for Small Businesses?
As a small business owner, you have put a significant amount of time and work into crafting the perfect website and promoting your company utilizing many different marketing methods. Yet, many small businesses forget the importance of encouraging customer reviews (also...
5 Must-Ask Questions for Setting Your SEO Goals
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is an essential investment when seeking a return on your website. Simply having a website is not a guarantee to being successful attracting clients. If you're not attracting new leads or sales with your site,...
Google Changes the Recipe - Is My Site Responsive?
Google announced earlier this year that their search engine algorithm will start rewarding websites that are "mobile-friendly." As the terms entails, this means that sites with responsive designs will gain an advantage in site rankings. This is Google's way of pushing...