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3 Trends Shaping E-Commerce in 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping increased exponentially throughout 2020 and consumers became increasingly reliant on using their smartphones, tablets, and laptops to make purchases. Today, advancements in technology are allowing online retailers to make shopping and transactions easier than...

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Evaluate Your Small Business Website in 2021

In today’s competitive landscape and with the majority of consumers searching for products and services online, having a website is critical for your small business’ continued success. However, just having a functioning website isn't enough. If your small business website is...

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How Web Design and SEO Work Together to Benefit Your Small Business

When done right, web design and search engine optimization (SEO) are two separate disciplines that work closely together to help benefit and improve your small business’ overall success. Web design describes aspects of the website itself, while SEO refers to how...

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Small Business E-Commerce Advice Part 2: Excel at Online Customer Service

In our blog post last week, we discussed several tips for improving your small business’ e-commerce website to help generate traffic and boost sales. This week, we’re focusing in more on the importance of providing excellent customer service to your online...

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Small Business E-Commerce Advice Part 1: 4 Tips for Improving Your E-Commerce Website

Due to online advancements over the last few years, and in light of COVID-19, the majority of consumers today are turning online to find and purchase their desired products and/or services. As such, it’s not only important to have an e-commerce...

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Small Business Website Security – Balancing Costs and Consequences

Many small businesses struggle with the website security paradox. With limited budgets and security knowledge, many small businesses are left open to cyberattacks which, in turn, often cause financial losses. This paradox poses the question: why should a small business spend...

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5 Signs it is Time to Redesign Your Small Business Website

As online trends are always changing, ensuring your website is up to date is crucial for your small business’ success. If it’s been a while since you've given your website a design update, it might be time to make some changes....

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Expand Your Customer Base with a Well-Designed E-Commerce Website

As a small business owner in today’s world, you most likely know the importance of having a well-designed website and keeping an active online presence. However, expanding your small business via e-commerce could be an essential next step, especially in light...

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Consistency is Key to a Successful Online Presence

When it comes to standing out online, ensuring your small business’ brand is fully established is important. Furthermore, ensuring you maintain consistent branding across your website and the rest of the web is even more crucial to building brand awareness. Consistency...

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4 Benefits of Using Shopify for Your Small Business E-Commerce Site

E-commerce has changed the way people shop in recent years. According to Statista, e-commerce accounted for $2.8 trillion in sales in 2018 and is predicted to hit $4.8 trillion by 2021. Even if you are a small business owner, implementing an...

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6 Essential Details to Have on Your Small Business Website

Having a 'modern' website can be a daunting concept for a small business. Website trends and technologies continually evolve, making it easy to feel as if you’ve fallen behind as a small business owner. With so many different web design trends...

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Strengthen Your Small Business Online Efforts During COVID-19

Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. Consider these statistics compiled by the United States Small Business Administration's Office of Advocacy: There are 30.7 million small businesses in the U.S.This totals to 99.9% of all businesses in our nation.Small businesses...

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Be Prepared for These Small Business Cyber Security Threats

In a blog post last month, we discussed a few small business cyber security statistics that showed the shocking truth about small business’ vulnerability to cyberattacks. This week, we’ll discuss a couple of specific cyber threats and how you can better...

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Benefits of Google Analytics for Small Business Owners

The evolution of the World Wide Web has made globalization and digitization easier, leading to an increase in the number of people and devices that access the internet. In a bid to leverage this, many companies have taken their businesses online...

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What Small Businesses Should Know About Cyberattacks and Web Security

We often hear about the large, nationwide company security breaches, whether it be database hacks or publicly shared user information, and it can sometimes seem like only the big corporations are targets. However, a recent study shows 43% of website hacks...

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How 360-Degree Product Photography Can Boost E-Commerce Sales

In a recent blog post, we discussed the importance of using high quality photos on e-commerce websites and for other marketing purposes. One way to implement high quality imagery in your e-commerce site is to use 360-degree product photography. If you...

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Using E-Commerce to Bring Online Shoppers In-Store

Online shopping is a consumer trend that is continuously growing. Traditional retailers, small stores, and boutiques might believe it hard to compete with Amazon and other large e-commerce companies. However, if you have a brick and mortar store, relying heavily on...

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Small Business Websites and Hacking Attacks: Common Misconception Debunked

Business owners often read about hacking attacks that impact major international corporations. Based on those dramatic reports, owners of small businesses might assume that one advantage of being small is that there is little to tempt a cyber-criminal to hack their...

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Dealing with Inventory Shortages on E-Commerce Websites

While you may try to avoid it, sometimes your e-commerce business will run out of a particular item. How you deal with out of stock inventory can be significant to your online brand and customer satisfaction. In this post, we will...

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3 Key Techniques to Improve Your Website

In today's market, it is common knowledge that every business needs a website. Whether you're an international corporation or a local retail store, you need to have a presence on the Internet in order to reach out to your customers and...

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Online and Mobile Sales' Impacts on Small Businesses

According to a report by Forrester's on 2018 mobile web sales, smartphones will be used in more than one-third (accounting for over $1 trillion) of total U.S. retail sales at some point in the buying process in 2018, including research, price comparisons,...

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