Today, online advertising is an essential marketing tactic for small businesses. Unlike other traditional marketing tactics, online advertising is much more customizable and small businesses can focus their time and budget on a targeted market segment. However, amidst these targeting benefits...
5 Key Benefits of Social Media for Your Small Business
With over 4.7 billion people active on social media worldwide, utilizing social media has become an essential marketing tactic for small businesses. With a proper social media strategy, you can help increase brand awareness, generate leads, boost conversion rates, and access...
4 Ways to Uniquely Combine Quality Content and Online Advertising
While all effective advertising aims to capture our attention, elicit an emotional response, and persuade us to act, the core of content marketing is to create material pertinent to your audience. Combining quality content with effective online advertising strategies will increase...
10 Types of Calls-To-Action (CTAs) to Use on Your Website to Increase Your Revenue
In a recent blog post, we outlined a few best practices for writing irresistible calls-to-action (CTAs). In this post, we cover several different types of CTAs that can be included in your content to serve different website visitors and their unique...
6 Best Practices for Writing an Irresistible Call-to-Action (CTA)
When marketing your business, it is essential to have clear, well-written calls-to-action (CTAs) included in your marketing content. A CTA helps guide potential customers visiting your website or social media to take the next step, transforming leads into valuable conversions. Check...
Watch Out for These 5 Surprising Email Marketing Strategy Mistakes (With Examples)
Despite the common myth that email marketing is dead, email marketing remains one of the most effective marketing solutions today. Done right, email marketing can generate impressive leads as well as drive additional revenue from your existing customer base. However, certain...
All You Need to Know About LinkedIn Message Ads
When it comes to online advertising, it is essential to not only create messages that attract your target audience, but also to ensure that your messages reach your prospects. While LinkedIn advertising has many advantages, one of the most unique benefits...
6 Video Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
With 54% of consumers preferring video content over other forms of content, video marketing can be an excellent marketing tool for keeping your audience engaged, generating leads, and increasing conversions. However, achieving video marketing success is not always as straightforward as...
Social Media Platforms Explained in One Sentence Each
Social media is used every day to meet new people, stay in touch with loved ones, reconnect with old friends, discuss important social issues, and promote businesses around the world. Today, there are hundreds of social media platforms, with new ones...
Ideas for Replacing or Supplementing Traditional Networking Events in a Post/Current COVID World
Networking plays an important role in helping most businesses grow. However, during the current/post COVID-19 world we live in today, in-person networking events are not as common as they once were. Fortunately, virtual events have become a great alternative to traditional...
5 Types of Drip Email Marketing Campaigns Your Small Business Should Utilize
Email marketing is an extremely effective marketing strategy that your small business can use to attract, engage, and keep in touch with your current and potential customers. Drip email marketing campaigns are exceptionally useful as these campaigns can be used to...
4 Common Google Ads Myths Debunked
Google Ads is one of the most effective online advertising methods for small businesses and can offer numerous benefits. However, due to the extensive amount of misinformation circling the internet, many small businesses have been discouraged from capitalizing on Google Ads,...
How to Make an Animated Explainer Video Out of Existing Content
In last week’s blog post, we discussed animated explainer videos and why they were instrumental for your small business marketing. Not only can they help capture your audience's attention, but they can also help increase engagement and boost conversions. This week,...
Why Animated Explainer Videos are Instrumental for Your Small Business Marketing
Video marketing is continuing to grow in popularity, and it is now estimated that videos account for 82% of global internet traffic. Therefore, when it comes to your small business marketing tactics, animated explainer videos make for an excellent addition. Using...
How to Create Attention-Grabbing Social Media Graphics to Improve Engagement
When it comes to your small business’ social media pages, your content should be attention-grabbing and interactive. No one wants to be scrolling social media just to read long blocks of text all day long. In fact, research conducted by BuzzSumo...
5 Social Media Management Tools for Speed, Scheduling, Collaboration, and More
For many small business owners, managing all of your company’s social media accounts is not always the easiest task. From creating and scheduling posts to optimizing your social media platforms, social media management can be challenging and time consuming. Fortunately, there...
3 Small Business Benefits of Video Marketing
The popularity of video marketing is growing each day as more businesses embrace new trends, thanks to new social media platforms like TikTok, webinars, live streams, and YouTube. Today, video marketing can play a crucial role in your small business’ overall...
5 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
With over 4.55 billion people worldwide currently using social media on a regular basis, implementing social media marketing for your small business is essential. Done right, social media marketing can effectively promote your business, boost brand awareness, and increase traffic to...
4 Email Marketing Myths Your Small Business Should Know
Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods and a great way to connect with your current and potential customers. However, due to the outdated and incorrect advice found online, many small businesses have been deterred from venturing into...
4 Marketing Errors Your Small Business Should Avoid
In order to gain visibility, increase sales, and stay ahead of the competition, it is essential to have a strong marketing strategy in place. However, with so many marketing tips and tactics floating around, finding (and focusing) on what works for...
4 Advantages of Using Facebook Advertising
Today, online advertising is essential for your small business’ success. While there are various online advertising platforms available, each with their own set of unique benefits, it is important to determine which online advertising platform will work best for your small...